Keanu Reeves on When You Say You’re Taking It Easy on a Friday Night

Keanu Reeves on When You Say You’re Taking It Easy on a Friday Night

Keanu Reeves on When You Say You’re Taking It Easy on a Friday Night

There’s been a series of videos that have come out in the last few weeks that I’m a humongous fan of.   They tackle various “stages” of a particular topic and each stage is represented by a scene in a movie.    So for example,  I’ve already shared a video that covered the stages of a day of parenting as represented by Chris Farley movie scenes.   If you visit that article and watch the video you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

Today’s subject is even better and it’s represented by scenes from Keanu Reeves films.   Since today is Friday and it’s St. Patrick’s Day many of you are planning on going out and having a big night.  However, on many Friday evenings sometimes we sit around and contemplate whether or not we should even bother getting up and making the effort.

For those nights when you say that you’ll be “taking it easy” on a Friday night, Keanu Reeves demonstrates the process of a night like this.  It begins at around 6pm and lasts until around 7am.  I hope you enjoy this little number below.

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