The Last Jedi Cast Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions

The Last Jedi Cast Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions

The Last Jedi Cast Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions

Watching The Last Jedi cast answering a bunch of the web’s most searched questions is interesting but also kind of disturbing. Do people even write sentences out anymore or is it all some pidgin form of shorthand that only they understand? The only reason I have any issue with it is that as a writer and a person that HAS to watch how I form my sentences and stay true to some form of grammar it’s a little irritating to see the gradual decline of the English language over one of the biggest search engines in the world. But, back to the article at hand.

Some of these questions are so far out of left field that I don’t blame the actors for looking confused. However each one of them seems to have their own knack for answering that makes it a little more enjoyable. With Mark Hamill every other answer seems to elicit a story from his past or from the movies that he knows about which is kind of cool since he knows a good deal about the Star Wars questions at least. There are some things he doesn’t know strictly because he is an actor, he likely hasn’t read all the books, played the games, or read every comic book. People kind of need to realize that the actors don’t always know what’s going on in the story when they’re playing their part. A few of them have their lines and their character down and that’s all they need. Laura Dern, who knows how to be friendly and pleasant, is a newbie to the Star Wars franchise and unless she’s ever watched the movies likely knows very little.

Daisy and Domnhall are having a good time at least but Daisy looks just a little pensive as though she wants to get through each question quickly and move on. She at least answers everything while Domnhall seems to be having a good time with it. The questions that come during this clip are just ridiculous in some aspects and sensible in others, but like I said deciphering them due to their poor grammar is kind of difficult.

John and Kelly are having a blast with it and just getting all sorts of giggly. Rose Tico might be an interesting character for the movie since she too is a newbie to Star Wars, just like a good number of them were in the last film. So far the new trilogy has been everything that people wanted it to be and those that have anything negative to say about it have been largely ignored by the loyal fan base. It’s not mandatory to like Star Wars after all, everyone has their thing and is able to go about doing it. But one thing that’s frowned upon from anyone is trying to take away the joy that other people have for something. Thankfully there were no negative searches or questions in the clip but some of the searches really didn’t make a lot of sense.

Ah well, it was fun to watch.

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