Discover the Power of Creativity in the Award-Winning Short Film ‘Alike’

Discover the Power of Creativity in the Award-Winning Short Film ‘Alike’

Discover the Power of Creativity in the Award-Winning Short Film ‘Alike’

The Lessons Society Teaches Us

From the moment we take our first breath, society starts imparting lessons upon us. Some of these lessons are beneficial, while others can be detrimental. On one hand, we learn essential life skills like looking both ways before crossing the street or the importance of education and providing for our families. On the other hand, the way we’re taught to grow up often follows a rigid, linear path that leaves little room for creativity and self-discovery. What if we chose not to attend college? What if we ignored our parents’ advice and embarked on a life-changing trip to Mexico to learn something entirely new?

I’m not advocating for blindly following every whim, but there’s a thought-provoking short film called Alike that’s resonating with audiences. This movie sheds light on the human experience and the dangers of stifling creativity in our lives.

Alike: A Short Film About Creativity and Parenthood

Alike is a 7-minute animated short film that has already garnered numerous awards. Created by Madrid-based animators Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez, the film is reminiscent of a Pixar production. It serves as a poignant lesson on the consequences of allowing the daily grind to snuff out our creative spark. Additionally, Alike explores the theme of parenthood and emphasizes the importance of allowing children to forge their own paths in life.

The critically-acclaimed short was made entirely with Blender, an open-source 3D rendering program. The creators dedicated the film “to our families, for helping us not to lose our colour.”

Canadian journalist Graydon Carter once said, “it’s a rare moment when we take a break from the tribulations of the daily rat race to reflect on assumptions and values that we casually accept as gospel.” Take a moment for yourself and experience the powerful message of Alike.


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