Two Men Stop to Help Girl Cross Finish line at Philadelphia Half Marathon

Two Men Stop to Help Girl Cross Finish line at Philadelphia Half Marathon

Two Men Stop to Help Girl Cross Finish line at Philadelphia Half Marathon

Honestly it’s moments like these that make me proud to be a human being.   During the Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon two men helped a fellow runner make it to the finish line.  The cameras spotted the women who was initially on the brink of collapse.   While all of the runners in the race were so close to the finish line, all but two carried on right past the woman, but two men stopped to lend a hand.

The pair of guys scooped her up and carried her to the end so that she could officially finish the race.   This particular race sees around 10,000 runners each year and has raised over $170,000 for local charities, but this moment will always go down as one of the finest in the Marathon’s history.

Honestly I don’t know what else to say.  The video says it all.  If you’re out there today and you see someone who needs help, don’t hesitate.   It’s why we’re here.  To support each other and help one another.  I wish these video were our “news” for the day instead of all the crap we see on a daily basis.

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