Speechless Season 1 Episode 15 Review: “T-H–THE C-L–CLUB”

Speechless Season 1 Episode 15 Review: “T-H–THE C-L–CLUB”


On this Week’s Episode of Speechless the DiMeo’s join a Country Club and JJ learns how much Kenneth’s friendship really matters.

The Episode opens with Kenneth giving handshakes to each one of JJ’s friends at school. (Which I think is really sweet.) Then we see Mya and Ray shopping for winter clothes and Ray’s frustration that he is always dragged around to everyone else’s stuff and that the family doesn’t do anything just for him.

Later that day JJ’s friends come over after his hockey game.  JJ’s friend Nicholas tries to convince him to get an electronic board that will talk for him instead of him needing Kenneth.   JJ says that he tried one years ago but he prefers a human connection.


When JJ’s friends invite him to a movie  he says that they will go without asking Kenneth first. (More on that later.)  Mya decides she is going to sneak the whole family into a Country Club, an idea which Ray hates at first but starts to love when people serve him.

Later that night JJ and Kenneth get into a fight about the fact that JJ didn’t ask him if he had plans before saying they would go to the movies.   Next Ray shows Mya the itinerary for the Country Club.  Ray asks Mya to teach him how to act rich at the Country Club and Mya becomes excited because it’s something that they can do together.  


Meanwhile, after the fight with Kenneth, JJ borrows his friends old electronic board so that he won’t need Kenneth’s help.

Ray and Mya go to the Country Club together and she teaches him how to act rich.  Later that night Mya tells Jimmy how excited she is that Ray enjoyed doing something with her.   When Ray tells Jimmy all the things that are awesome about the Country Club  Jimmy tells him that Mya is having a great time too but the thing she is most excited about is spending time with Ray.

Mya buys Ray tennis whites for the Mother Son Tennis Tournament at the Country Club.  But when Spence (who we saw throughout the episode) calls Ray and asks him to be his Mother’s partner for the Mother Son Tournament Ray, lies to Maya and says he has to study for a  trigonometry test and can’t be in the tournament with her.

Meanwhile, JJ realizes his need for Kenneth when he asks Dylan to do all the handshakes with his friends and she messes them up.  Dylan tired of Kenneth and JJ fighting, comes up with a plan to get them to make up.  She tries to get them to watch the Parent Trap with her but when that doesn’t work she has to come up with another plan.

Mya goes to the school to bring a snack to Ray at his study Group but when she realizes he is not there she goes to the Country Club to find Ray playing in the Mother Son Tournament with Spence’s mom which causes her to be extremely hurt.
To help Kenneth and JJ makeup, Dylan uses her phone to make it sound like JJ is apologizing while Kenneth stands outside the door but when JJ comes down the hallway Kenneth realizes it wasn’t JJ apologizing after all.  But after hearing what Kenneth said to who he thought was JJ,  JJ decides  that he does need to apologize and him and Kenneth make up.


Realizing he was wrong, Ray tries to come up with a way to make it up to Mya.  Ray remembers that Mya likes afternoon tea and decides to surprise her with it and apologize for what he did.  At the very end of the Episode we see Ray working at the Country Club but he quickly quits when he realizes that the family is going to show up all the time for free stuff.


Overall I think this episode was really heartfelt and sweet.


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