This Hypnotic Video of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Being Made

This Hypnotic Video of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Being Made

Anyone that thinks watching Krispy Kreme donuts being made is hypnotic in any way, shape, or form is a serious sugar junkie. Let’s face it, they’re pure carbs without any redeeming quality, and yet people swear by them. Well of course they swear by them, a lot of people love sugar, but this just seems like too much. There’s no big secret to how they’re made. They prep the dough, churn it, then take it over to a machine that cuts it into rings. They’re then sent on to a proofer before being deep-fried and flipped so that both sides are cooked. From that point it’s further down the conveyor belt to apply the glaze that drives so many people nuts. From the looks on their faces you’d think these people had never had pure sugar in their lives, which in the case of some could be true really but it still seems a little over the top.

Krispy Kreme has actually been around since 1937 but they didn’t go public until the year 2000. From that point on they became untouchable when it came to delivering the best sugary-tasting donuts around, which of course made a lot of smaller mom and pop shops suffer a bit. Dunkin Donuts even felt the pinch since they’d been one of the most notable places to grab a donut and a cup of coffee in the morning for years. And yet still there are those who don’t understand it, present company included. These things look like they could put a normal person into a diabetic coma if they ate more than one, and there are people cramming them into their faces on a regular basis. It’s simply confusing to think that a glazed ring or other pastry could bring about his kind of reaction in anyone since honestly, no matter what anyone says, sugar is sugar.

But apparently Krispy Kremes melt in your mouth they’r so good, and are unparalleled for flavor. At this point it’s all subjective, as people have their own personal tastes and will cling to them no matter what anyone says. That’s the right of anyone really but those that like Krispy Kremes and those that don’t tend to draw a very distinct line in the sand so to speak. There are those that still like the traditional cake donuts over those that Krispy Kreme churns out at the rate of 50,000 a day. That’s a lot of donuts, and to think that most of them get eaten leaves no wonder that the chain is in fact guilty of helping Americans retain their worldwide status of being some of the heaviest people in any known country. It’s not all Krispy Kremes fault obviously, but the consumption of sugar on such a massive level is still a big contributor.

So yes, the donuts are probably very tasty, but if you’re not a big sugar-lover, at least not on this scale, then Krispy Kremes might be a once in a lifetime experience rather than a regular stopoff.

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