10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie “Strictly Business”

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie “Strictly Business”

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie “Strictly Business”

Whether your remember this movie or not it’s one of those that is kind of blah until you really get into the story. It’s all about a former mail clerk in a big firm that is looking to get a promotion but in order to do so must hook his boss up with a woman that he happens to know. Having all the connections he needs the young man begins the quest to make this happen so that he can continue his climb upwards in order to make a better life for himself.

Here are a few interesting details about the movie.

10. Three of the movie’s actors would go on to play big roles in the MCU later in life.

Halle Berry would go on to play Storm in the X-Men, Samuel L. Jackson would play Nick Fury in the Iron Man and Avengers movies, and Sam Rockwell played Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2.

9. There were also three actors in the movie from the hit show In Living Color.

Tommy Lee Davidson, Kim Coles, and Anna-Marie Johnson all starred on In Living Color together, so the chemistry there was obviously pretty easy to work with.

8. It dealt with racism.

There were a lot of racial undertones that were felt throughout the movie but were hidden in some cases. Some were pretty obvious but were glossed over quite often.

7. It was shot mostly in Manhattan.

In terms of big business and the clubbing scene Manhattan is probably one of the better places to film such a movie since it offers a wide array of places to shoot.

6. It featured Jodeci before they were famous.

Anyone remember Jodeci? They formed in 1989 and then stopped performing in ’96. Eventually they got back into the swing of things and have been performing since 2001.

5. The film was released right before Tommy Lee Davidson’s 26th birthday.

It was likely a very happy birthday when the movie was done but according to the low box office numbers it might have been a rather low key affair.

4. It wasn’t released to a wide audience.

The film was only shown in select theaters and wasn’t given to every possible venue. It was the decision of the execs that made this possible.

3. It has a very sitcom feel to it.

The type of problems that the film showcases and runs the characters through is very much the kind of situation that you might see in a half-hour long show. It had it’s own style and verve, but it was still a bit too drawn out to be believable as a movie.

2. The movie deals with a lot of stereotypes.

Tommy Lee Davidson and the actor that plays his boss are two of the biggest stereotypes. Davidson is the black man that knows how to be street, to be ghetto, and to keep his cultural identity intact, while his boss is the black man that essentially tries to look and sound white. BIG stereotypes.

1. Not too surprisingly it was dealt a lot of criticism. 

Critics that got their hands on this film had a lot to say about it and not everything was as constructive as one might have wished for.

It was an attempt at a pleasing romantic comedy but it was more like a longer version of a sitcom.


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