The Big Bang Theory 3.16 “The Excelsior Acquisition” Recap

The Big Bang Theory 3.16 “The Excelsior Acquisition” Recap

The Big Bang Theory 3.16 “The Excelsior Acquisition” RecapThis show is moving up in the geek world! Not only did Neil Gaiman blog this week about watching The Big Bang Theory and seeing The Sandman in Leonard’s collection, but the new episode featured comics legend Stan Lee.

The guys were all looking through their comics trying to decide what issue to get Stan Lee to sign at the comic book store later that week. Penny came in, and an excited Leonard told her the good news. She, of course, had no idea who Stan Lee was, but it was great watching her try to guess: “You are an important part of my life, and I pay attention to the things you are interested in!” “Good! So who’s Stan Lee?” “He was on Star Trek…” “Nope.” “Star Wars?” “Nope.” “Oh, he was in those goofy Kung Fu movies you love so much!” “That was Bruce Lee.” “Ooooh, so is this Bruce Lee’s nerdy brother, Stan?”

Looking through the stuff on Sheldon’s desk, Howard found several unopened paychecks. Sheldon hasn’t spent them because most of the things he wants to buy haven’t been invented yet, and he hasn’t deposited them because he doesn’t trust banks–“I believe that when the robots rise up, ATMs will lead the charge.” Howard also found an unopened letter from the Pasadena Municipal Court. It was a summons to appear in Traffic Court for running a red light. Sheldon doesn’t drive, except for that one time, in “The Adhesive Duck Deficiency” earlier this season when he took Penny to the hospital after she dislocated her shoulder falling in the bathtub. Sheldon insisted that he wouldn’t pay and began preparing his defense to present in court on Thursday. But that would mean missing Stan Lee’s appearance… As his eyewitness, Penny would have to go with him, and Sheldon instructed her in clothing choice–“Please wear something appropriate. It won’t help my case if the judge is trying to read the word “Juicy” scrawled across your buttocks”–and a script that was dumbed down with her corn-fed, darn-tootin’ Nebraska vernacular.

Once the judge called him up, Sheldon rambled on with some Latin legal jargon and thought that his argument about the 6th Amendment would get him out of paying the ticket fee. The judge proclaimed him “Guilty,” to which Sheldon objected, proceeding to offend the judge for being at the “kiddie table” of his profession. Thus, Sheldon, instead of meeting Stan Lee, ends up in jail.

Meanwhile, the other guys are standing in line outside the comic book store. Raj wants to ask Stan Lee why he insists on giving every character first and last names that start with the same letter. “Bruce Banner, Reid Richards, Sue Storm…Peter Parker, and worst of all–J. Jonah Jameson, Jr.” Penny calls Leonard and tells him that Sheldon has to stay in jail until he apologizes to the judge. It takes him realizing that he will have to urinate in a stainless steel basin in front of 3 criminals to accept defeat.

Back in the apartment, Leonard and Howard are thrilled by their Stan Lee experience. He signed their comics “To my friend Leonard/Howard, From Stan Lee, Excelsior!” and then took them out for gelato. Apparently Raj offended him with the alliterative names question, so his autograph reads: “To Raj, From Stan Lee.” He still seems more focused on the character names, listing off another round from Pepper Potts and Matt Murdock to Millie the Model.

When Sheldon returns and hears about their night, he blames all the evil things that have happened to him on Penny. To make up for it, she goes to see Stuart at the comic book store to get help contacting Stan Lee. She takes Sheldon to his house, and he answers the door wearing sunglasses and a Fantastic Four robe. Unfortunately, Stan Lee doesn’t seem very happy to have them show up uninvited. Back in the apartment, Raj is still listing off comic book names, “…and worst of all, Fin. Fang. Foom.” Sheldon returns looking pretty proud of himself. He saw the inside of Stan Lee’s house, and best of all, he got Stan Lee’s autograph on something completely unique–a restraining order. He thought it would look great hanging next to the one from Leonard Nimoy.

So this brings the collection of awesome guest stars up to Summer Glau, Wil Wheaton, Katee Sackhoff, and Stan Lee. Who should they try to get next?

Up next week, “The Precious Fragmentation,” in which the guys go to a garage sale and find a ring from the Lord of the Rings films!

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