Every Single Thumbs Up by Special Agent Cooper on Twin Peaks

Every Single Thumbs Up by Special Agent Cooper on Twin Peaks

Every Single Thumbs Up by Special Agent Cooper on Twin Peaks

Alright, I have a question.   Why in God’s name hasn’t a video like this been compiled yet?   I’m blown away.  In all the years Youtube has been up, not one person has made a “Thumbs Up” compilation of the Twin Peaks star character.  How is this even possible?  Thank God one brave Youtuber put in the time and released this gem of a video into the wild yesterday.   Kyle MacLachlin will always be known for his portrayal as Special Agent Dale Cooper and one of his finest trademarks regardless of its popularity was his thumbs up.

Now, decades later we’re going to to get to see Mr. Cooper and his thumbs up once again as Twin Peaks returns to television and will air on Showtime.  The mysterious case of Laura Palmer has been resurrected and fans couldn’t be more excited. Of course given this is a David Lynch show, we have absolutely no clue what to expect in the new season.  But that’s part of what’s going to be so fun about the show.

In the meantime, while we all wait for the show’s triumphant return, let’s try and decide which “thumbs up” moment is Cooper’s finest.  Have a look at all of them below:


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