Why We Are Excited To See The Disaster Artist

Why We Are Excited To See The Disaster Artist

Why We Are Excited To See The Disaster Artist

Being a screen writer or film producer allows you to explore the multitudinous angles of expressive freedom and creative exploration. The crazy thing about this type of creative exploration and expression is that it does not always produce the desired result, and while this would normally be interpreted as a disaster, there are those moments in which the unpredictable becomes the unexpected masterpiece. Never has this been more the case than with Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room.” The Room is considered among critics and fans to be one of the best unintentionally funny movies of all time. Well, The Disaster Artist is a movie about the making of The Room, and it is most definitely meant to be a comedic representation of the mythical Tommy Wiseau and his making of The Room.

There are so many reasons why we are excited to see this film, but we decided to narrow it down to those points that really stand out to us.

James Franco is a Character Genius

If you want to start with what makes this an exciting movie, it begins with the star, James Franco, who also produced and directed the film. To be honest, James Franco is immensely underrated as an actor, but this presentation of The Disaster Artist really allows him to spread his wings and display is depth and range as an actor. depth and range as an actor. He also gets to use his creativity in the presentation of this production as a director – allowing him to truly impact the overall presentation.

Leave it James Franco to take a story that surrounds the making of what has become known to many as the Citizen Cane of bad movies. There has to be a unique story behind the making of a film that turned out to be nothing close to what it was designed to be, even being classified as a terrible movie, yet end up being a remarkable success in a way that it was not intended. From the trailer, Franco delivers in ways unimaginable. If the idea is to introduce the world to Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero and the relationship that developed from their work together than it over delivers.

The Movie is Based On The Book Bearing the Same Name

The movie is based on the non-fiction book with the same title written by Greg Sestero. For those who have read the book, it will be easy to understand why fans are getting excited about the movie. While the content is definitely comedic, it is so much more than a comedic presentation. It is the interpretation, expression, and explanation of an immensely complex character who is perplexed in his quest to create the ideal film. While Wiseau falls traumatically short in his efforts to create the perfect film, he discovers success in an entirely different manner.

Finally, the movie has been rated on several rating systems with nearly a 9 out of ten, with at least seven world-renown critics ascribing universal acclaim to the film. This is one of those films that comes across once in a decade if that. It is the work of genius.

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