Five Female Villains Who Could Probably Defeat Wonder Woman

Five Female Villains Who Could Probably Defeat Wonder Woman

Five Female Villains Who Could Probably Defeat Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is tough, without question and without apology. But given how powerful the DCEU has made her and how strong she really is between the movies and the comics she still has limits. Ares did manage to take her to the limit in the movie, and other characters have managed to give her a run throughout the history of the comics. Her upper limits are said to be powerful enough to give her the edge against many upon many opponents, and it’s been surmised that she could even take on the Hulk and Thor in one on one combat and prevail. It’s enough to say that she’s not as powerful as Superman, but she is the next step down when it comes to power and is able to take on just about anyone so long as their skill level is not greater than her own. You have to remember after all that she’s not just strong and quick, she’s a born fighter and an extension of a god in many ways.

But she’s not unbeatable, and these five female villains could very well take her down.

5. Big Barda

Big Barda has been seen to change sides throughout her career as a villain, but she did enter the DC universe as a villain, and a very powerful one at that. Her strength, speed, and stature have been more than enough to put her on the same level as Wonder Woman, though obviously the writers have always felt that Diana should be able to win and therefore should be a little more intelligent as well as skilled when it comes to facing off against this seven-foot tall engine of destruction. In a knockdown, drag-out fight however Barda would no doubt be able to give Wonder Woman a thrashing she wouldn’t forget.

4. Rogue

You had to know that the Marvel women were going to show up to this discussion since DC and Marvel have been at each other’s throats for a long time now in terms of who came first, who’s more powerful, and so on and so forth. This one is pretty easy to explain however since Wonder Woman is the more skilled warrior and much quicker and stronger than Rogue. But, BUT, one graze of skin on skin contact is all it takes for Wonder Woman to realize just why Rogue is so dangerous, and then once Rogue absorbs Wonder Woman’s powers her own considerable abilities double and even triple, making her even more skilled, more powerful, and more capable of knocking the Amazonian princess into the ground. And if you’re wondering about Rogue’s status as a hero, keep in mind that she did spend her time as a villain.

3. Hela

To be honest Wonder Woman has taken on all sorts of monsters and even gods, but Hela is a little different. Where Diana could vaporize Ares and so many others or cut them to ribbons and allow them to die from blood loss, Hela isn’t that easy. She’s the goddess of death after all, and even having a spear rammed through her midsection by another god didn’t do the trick. Thor threw a bolt of lightning that was thick around as a fully-grown tree and it barely fazed her. Without being able to rely on the powers that have downed so many others throughout her career as a hero Diana would be in some serious trouble when it came to battling Hela, who can summon swords and dark spikes at will and has even crushed Thor’s hammer with one hand. Not even Wonder Woman managed to do that.

2. Scarlet Witch

This is another woman that has had her turn as a villain in the past so let’s lay that fact to rest at this moment. But moving on from that, Scarlet Witch’s power is all about altering reality, which means that while she’s not much in the way of a physical combatant and would crumble before Diana, she had to reach the woman first. With a few words and a wave of her hands Wanda could either incite Wonder Woman’s darkest fears or simply wish her out of existence. It’s hard to argue with a person that could tell you to go away while waving her hands and simply erase you with a flick of her fingers.

1. Dark Phoenix

If you think the Scarlet Witch’s powers are scary then you can easily surmise that Wonder Woman wouldn’t want any piece of the Dark Phoenix. On her own Jean Grey isn’t a villain, but she’s still very powerful. When she’s imbued with the Phoenix Force however she’s nigh unstoppable. In fact she’s one of the few people that could have actually stopped Thanos in Infinity War had the X-Men been allowed to make the trip over. But as far as she and Wonder Woman go Diana might not even get close since the Phoenix would sense her intent and her thoughts and would likely de-atomize her much as she did to Professor X.

Wonder Woman is tough, but she’s not indestructible.

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