Five Things You Didn’t Know about Sallie Patrick

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Sallie Patrick

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Sallie Patrick

Primarily, Sallie Patrick is a producer and a writer for TV shows, though she has had other roles in other production as well. At the moment, people might be most familiar with her through her role as the show-runner for the Dynasty reboot, which has started broadcasting on The CW.

Here are five things that you may or may not have known about Sallie Patrick:

Chosen By the Producer of the First Dynasty

Patrick was chosen by Esther Shapiro, who was one of the co-producers of the first Dynasty while the other was her husband Richard Shapiro. In her words, she approved of Patrick because her script showed that she had the right sense of humor as well as her own interpretation of the characters, thus ensuring a fresh experience for the viewers of the Dynasty reboot. Likewise, Patrick has stated her appreciation for one of the pioneers of primetime soap operas.

Involvement in Revenge Contributed to the Choice

Before Dynasty, Patrick was involved in the production for Revenge, where she wrote some episodes but spent most of her time as a producer. That proved to be valuable experience because it is what resulted in her being chosen as the show-runner for the Dynasty reboot. Something that makes sense because of the complicated motivations of the characters on that TV show, which are important for the characters on the Dynasty reboot as well.

Collaborates with Shapiro on the Script

It is interesting to note that Shapiro writes the script for the Dynasty reboot before presenting it to Shapiro so that she can make comments. It is interesting to note that Shapiro prefers a hands-off approach in the sense that she will make comments, but she does not feel that the production has to pay attention to those comments. In this manner, Shapiro can remind people about the core of Dynasty without having to meddle too much in the production process, which is something that Patrick has acknowledged.

Proposed Contemporizing Dynasty

As it turns out, Patrick was the one who suggested putting the core cast of Dynasty in the present as opposed to focusing on subsequent generations. This makes sense because people have an emotional investment in the characters from the first Dynasty, meaning that focusing on subsequent generations would have resulted in alienation from the new TV show by causing them to wonder what had happened to their old favorites. After all, this is what happened with the Dallas reboot, which managed to last no more than three seasons.

Has Directed a Short

Patrick has directed a short called Three Minutes in Heaven in 2008. The short was centered around a pair of women named Melody and Joy, who host a cooking TV show on local cable. However, their relationship starts to change when they get their Jewish neighbor Richard’s help with making kishka, which is a sort of sausage from Jewish cuisine that can actually take on a wide range of forms depending on the exact recipe used in its making.

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