10 Things You Didn’t Know about Matt McGorry

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Matt McGorry

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Matt McGorry

It’s kind of odd how actors like Matt McGorry tend to get serious hate from people that watch their shows sometimes. It’s easy to see that some people don’t know where the line between reality and make-believe ends, but some people just like to be jerks and take out their anger towards an imaginary character on the person fulfilling the role. That would seem like a hard life to have to live for an actor but many of them also tend to get by in a manner that’s pretty simple: they ignore them. That would actually be the best bet for anyone that has an issue with an on screen character and can’t keep it to themselves when they see the individual that plays the role walking down the street. It’s a little sad that people would go this far but it does happen and actors do have to live with it. A lot of them find ways around it though.

Here are a few things you might not have known about Matt.

10. He was a competitive bodybuilder at one time.

So you know the guy’s got a toned if not ripped physique that he probably keeps in pretty good shape. This could be a part of what allowed him to get the roles he’s had in his career, but obviously his acting was a big part of it too.

9. He is a self-described feminist.

A lot of men tend to look at other men that say these kind of things funny, but if you look at what a feminist really is you’d see that it’s a person that supports women’s equal rights and treatment. You don’t have to be a woman to be a feminist, though some people still have their thoughts rooted in the past.

8. He was in Orange Is The New Black.

At one point it was very easy to root for this character since he seemed to be the nice guy that didn’t want to make waves and could possibly be relied upon. But then of course things started going off the rails and he became just another jerk that disappeared when things got rough.

7. He has a big interest in various social issues.

Matt tends to care about a lot of issues that have to do with equality for others and will openly attend and speak at events that he feels further what he values and educate people as to what it will take to gain true equality for people.

6. He made his debut in One Life to Live.

It was kind of hard to find a clip but given that the show ran from 1968 to 2013 he could have made his debut at any time and been a young kid or a young man just coming into his acting career. From the information gleaned upon reading his bio however it would seem that he was still pretty young when he was on the show.

5. His career started in 2006.

He’s been around for a while, enough to do some good and make some contacts while creating a career that has gained some notice and allowed him to be pretty successful. So far he’s done very well for himself.

4. He was in How to Get Away with Murder.

Any show with a title like this seems to be implying that it’s going to be a thriller or a psychological ordeal that’s going to twist the story and the viewer up into knots trying to sort out just what’s going on, but honestly the show as one of peoples’ favorites when it came out.

3. He has an impressive following on Twitter.

You might not believe it but he has millions of followers on social media and it seems to keep growing. This could however be due in part to his role as an activist since so many people are willing to pay attention to those in high places that are willing to champion one cause or another. This could lead to a series of connections and networking that would explain the large number of followers.

2. He was nine when he started acting.

So obviously he’s been around and seen a few things and is still the better for it since there haven’t been any scandals with his name in the headlines in one way or another. With the way 2017 went you can imagine that a lot of people would have been slow-roasted over the fires opinion and rumor by now, and not a lot would have escaped. But he’s kept his nose clean and been doing a lot of good for others.

1. He’s called himself an ‘honorary’ gay man.

It’s kind of hard to know how to take that and it does put a question mark by his sexuality but in truth it’s his business and no one else’s. He admits to being clumsy around women but that’s his deal to sort out.

Yes, it does raise questions, but those are best answered in due time when he’s ready.

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