10 Things You Didn’t Know About Preity Zinta

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Preity Zinta

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Preity Zinta

There is a surge of new talent coming out of the east, especially the Hindi film industry in Bollywood. For the longest of times, Bollywood was completely separated from Hollywood and its stars did not enjoy international acclaim in the same manner as the celebrities created in the Hollywood film industry, but that is rapidly changing. The world of entertainment in India is evolving with the help of social media and the expanse of the internet. Things that were once easy to contain in geographical locations are not breaking free as these stars are taking to social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and Pinterest to share their stories and their passions. One Bollywood star that is taking the world by storm is Preity Zinta.

There is a chance that you have never heard of her, but trust me, this will not be the last time that you hear her name. Here are 10 things that you didn’t know to help you get caught up.

1. She Is More than a Beautiful Face

Preita is definitely a talented actress, but she is so much more. The actress has completed her post-grad studies in criminal psychology. Of course, I think the chosen field is awesome. What is amazing is how someone who is so busy finds time to complete a post-grad program. This goes to show just how much you can accomplish when you are driven to succeed.

2. She Is Athletic

Not only is Preity’s appearance athletic, she is actually an athlete. As it turns out, she played sports while she was in school. In fact, the rumor is that she had a strong interest in basketball and she was actually pretty good at it. If she would have gone pro, I would definitely attend those games. I bet she has an awesome jump shot and killer crossover.

3. She Took On the Indian Mafia

I have to admit that the sound of the Indian Mafia just doesn’t come off my keyboard with the same intensity as the Italian Mafia or Russian mob, but from the sound of it, these people she took on were very dangerous people. She actually testified against them in court. What she did was so impressive that she was awarded Godfrey’s Mind of Steel Award for bravery.

4. She is a Fan of The Simpsons

When you hear that a foreign star has a fetish for American television and find out that their favorite show is the Simpsons, it kind of makes you sit back and wonder how the rest of the world views us. Especially with the Whitehouse is being portrayed in the international media. This is just not a great time for the good old U.S.A.

5. She Appears to Like to Flirt with Death

In addition to her attempts to piss off the mafia, she has had vehicle accidents and a number of serious falls that could have easily ended in death, and yet here she is still standing and taking on life full steam ahead. She is one of those people who believes in making the most of every moment. The truth is you only have one life and 86,400 seconds in each day. How you invest in those seconds will determine your destiny. Preity is writing a powerful ending to her destiny.


6. She Puts in Hard Long Hours on the Set

There have been reports that Preity shows up to work and will easily put in 25 hours or more non-stop without complaining. She has never be accused of behaving like a diva. One of the sources of her confidence is the hard work she puts in each and every day. When you put in work consistently, you develop an unwavering confidence in your ability to perform.

7. She Loves to Sew

I will be honest. I did not see this one coming. Three is nothing about the appearance and behavior of Preity Zinta that says she likes to sew and do embroidery. I am sorry, I try not to stereotype people, but it just does not fit. Don’t get me wrong, there are beautiful women who I can see sewing for hours on in, but Preity is not one of them.

8. She Has a Heart of Gold

As I have alluded to more than once in this article, Preity is so much more than an entertainer. It has been reported that the star has adopted 34 girls in Rishikesh that were living in an orphanage called Mother Miracle. There was nothing miraculous about this place. She has provided financial support and paid for their education.


9. She Filed Molestation Charges Against Her Ex-Boyfriend

It is obvious that Preity is not one to take any type of aggression from others laying down. She is a fighter through and through. She proved that when she recently filed charges against the co-owner of her IPL team and ex-boyfriend, Ness Wadia claiming that he molested her. She did not hesitate to send a message that she will be respected.

10. She Turned Down An Inheritance from Shandar Amrohi

When Shandar Amrohi died, he left Preity 600 Crores as an inheritance that he felt she deserved. She was considered to be his adopted daughter. While she was honored by the gesture, she did not accept the money. She constantly takes the high road. The thing is that she is still young and has a long life ahead of her. There is no limit to what she can accomplish in the time she has left.

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