Pretty Little Liars 1.17 “The New Normal” Review

Pretty Little Liars 1.17 “The New Normal” Review

Pretty Little Liars 1.17 “The New Normal” ReviewThe girls of Rosewood kept dealing with their personal issues for most of last night, while Spencer stayed focused on the mission at hand on last night’s Pretty Little Liars. Let’s tackle that piece of information first…

So Spencer finds out that the Brailled message Toby slipped her actually means “214”, instead of the “BAD” Spencer intially came up with. So 214 might mean a hotel room, but hopefully not the seedy one shown at the end of the episode. My money is that 214 is the room Ian and Allison shared at the resort a year before. But why would the mysterious caller and Jenna be mentioning Spencer and the number 214? Unless 214 belongs to the room number where Spencer met Wren earlier in the season? Then 214 might be something different all together, but I heavuly doubt it.

Also Toby was cleared as a suspect in the eyes of the DA. For now, that is. However, who does Toby have to fear now? The angry, dumb townspeople? Or Jenna? Why is Jenna “nervous” about Spencer and the other Little Liars?

The plot thickens with that aspect of the show, but most of the hour was spent dealing with new faces and how they are affecting the girls at the moment.

So Paige secretly is gay, which was kind of seen a mile away. However, I hope she doesn’t end up with Emily, because the revolving door of guys/girls is getting ridiculous now on the show (more on that later). While that was the big “ah-ha!” moment in Emily’s storyline, I picked Pam Fields getting into Paige’s father’s ass as my favorite moment of that entire segment. While she is still not fully on board with Emily’s lifestyle, Pam’s maternal instinct kicked in and won my heart. I love bad ass mothers and Pam Fields just joined that list.

Speaking of bad ass mothers, Ashley almost had a heart attack when Mrs. Potter’s nephew showed up. While I thought they were going to drag out the suspsense of the missing money a bit longer, they twisted it and revealed that the nephew was in fact a fraud, thanks to Caleb’s snooping. While I enjoyed that red herring, let’s hope that the faux nephew doesn’t make another appearance, because it took a lot away from tonight’s episode already.

Caleb is proving to be of some use to Hanna, but if and when Lucas and Sean shows back up, where will he go? Will he fade into the ether outside of Rosewood or will have a part in the big finish in the finale?

Also, the bit with the exterminator was pretty creepy, but did you catch the man when he said ‘A’ was a he? Or am I overanalyzingPretty Little Liars 1.17 “The New Normal” Review that slip of the tongue?

The whole Hanna vs. Aria thing was wrapped up too quickly after that huge blow up between the two of them in the previous episode. In fact, it seemed rushed a bit as if the writers had an afterthought of how bad of an idea it was to begin with. With that said, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t glad to see the girls mending fences again. Just didn’t think it would happen so soon.

Finally, there is the problem of Ezra vs. Byron, which threw me for a loop. It wasn’t the fact that they had a confrontation that has me grabbing my head in ire, it’s that they didn’t go “there” with it. The confrontation was ended too soon and it was a wasted opportunity to bring a real danger to Aria’s secret. It would’ve been a great conflict if Ella had of actually fell for Ezra, which would’ve 1) pitted Byron against Ezra and 2) pitted an unknowingly Ella against her own daughter for the affections of Ezra. But all that went out the window after Aria cleared up Byron’s confusion with one sentence, which made Byron’s green with jealousy moment silly and everyone happy in the end. Oh well….

Sorry for the late review. Mondays are kinda full for me. But other than that, what did you think? Remember, we have five episodes left in the season, so what do you want to see happen?

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