The Top Five Songs on the Collateral Beauty Soundtrack

The Top Five Songs on the Collateral Beauty Soundtrack

The Top Five Songs on the Collateral Beauty Soundtrack

Some songs are meant to convey pain, fear, and and an even deeper understanding of what pain can truly do to an individual. The pain of losing someone is a feeling that can cause many things to happen in the mind of an individual. In Collateral Beauty however it is discovered that while it might feel as though you are alone that is rarely the case. Be it for good or ill, if you are feeling depressed, lonely, lost, or in any way negative it will affect those around you that care. It will drag them down with you if they decide to stick around, and it will do more damage than good if you feel the need to continue to bury your head in the sand. While what his coworkers did was very underhanded it snapped Howard out of his funk and allowed him to come back to the living, who still needed him.

Life is too short to not live it fully.

5. Way Down We Go

In a movie like this such a track seems to be reserved for a calm to moderate moment, a moment when reflection is necessary or a quick sprint from one’s problems is the order of the moment. Howard is a troubled man for certain but it also seems as though he has not yet given up all hope, as though a part of him is still well aware that there is a possibility of coming back. The only thing stopping him is the hurt he doesn’t want to feel any longer.

4. Let’s Hurt Tonight

So far the songs in this soundtrack have a good beat and a meaningful sound that carries the audience into the lives of the people involved. It’s a sad movie there’s no doubt, but there is a note of hope in each track at this point that speaks of some light at the end of the darkness that twists and winds in so many unwanted ways. It’s a hard journey to get back to even but it’s one that many are willing to help with, so long as the affected individual wants to see it.

3. The Dream and the Letters

For this film it seems as though instrumentals would be the way to go, but songs with lyrics are just as powerful and carry just as poignant of a point to them. The only trouble is that a person could get lost in the song and forget about the movie to which it was attached. This piece carries a lot of hope in it eventually, but hope that is best reached after walking uphill for a while. That seems to be the feeling.

2. Love Visit #2

Howard isn’t ready to stop grieving. He needs it since the grieving sustains him, keeps in place, and possibly defines him. But that’s no way to live, no way to experience this wonderful world that rests all around us. Love is among the most powerful forces in the world, and

1. Grief Group

Throughout the movie you get a glimpse at real grief, and you get an understanding what it might be like to have your life turned upside down in such a manner. It pains each and every parent to see a child suffer, but there are moments such as this that still must be shown to push past such feelings, to realize that walling away the world behind your grief is not the way to live.

By the end at least Howard had found himself once again.

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