Allison Williams Joins the A Series of Unfortunate Events Cast

Allison Williams Joins the A Series of Unfortunate Events Cast

Allison Williams from the movie Get Out is going to be joining the cast of A Series of Unfortunate Events this coming season and while season 2 is already wrapped and ready to deliver. At this time the third season is in production and will likely not be out for some time to come, but fans should be able to recap with the first season in anticipation for the second. The trailer is out and for the Baudelaire orphans things only seem bound to get worse as they’re being bounced from one situation to another by inept adults that don’t seem to realize just how dangerous Count Olaf really is, and somehow don’t believe that he would be resourceful enough to disguise himself so many times. But as you might expect the Baudelaire kids will do anything and everything it takes to stick together and to make sure that Olaf doesn’t get his hands on their inheritance or on them.

This next season sees the kids going through a lot more than previously before which is hard to fathom but starts to unveil new secrets concerning their parents as well. Something is definitely up as they begin to uncover clues that lead them to believe that their parents were into something that’s harder to understand than they initially realized. With Olaf hot on their trail it’s going to be a race to see who can overcome how as the show continues. One thing is certain, the Netflix series is gaining a great deal more attention and acclaim than the movie starring Jim Carrey ever did. Perhaps it was the wrong time to unveil such a movie or simply the cut and dried nature of it that didn’t appeal to people. In any case the series has been gaining a lot more fans for several reasons, and has been able to garner more respect for the representation it’s given of such a classic story.

Neil Patrick Harris has never been quite on the same level as Jim Carrey, in fact you could say that there’s no real comparison between the two, but he’s brought a slightly more toned-down version of Count Olaf to the story than Carrey did during the movie. Carrey is a great comedian but has a tendency to go over the top when a role requires a more delicate touch. It’s kind of like taking a claw hammer to bang in a thumbtack, it’s just a little too overdone and therefore becomes kind of less than appealing. Harris however has managed to create a character that’s diabolical but is still just edgy enough without being so out of left field that people can’t relate to him at all.

Despite the fact that all new actors were required to make the parts of the kids work nothing has really changed in that regard as the current actors have done a wonderful job. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are still very much the recognizable kids that help make this show possible, and their character traits are right on the money.

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