The Five Best Songs from the Drive Soundtrack

The Five Best Songs from the Drive Soundtrack

The Five Best Songs from the Drive Soundtrack

There are so many movies that have to do with cars and drivers and the dangerous lives they lead that it’s nice to have something different come along, even if the differences are slight and based on the individual rather than the movie. The soundtrack to this movie is definitely different in that it kind of makes you connect the songs with the movie on your own in some regard as they might not sound like they belong the entire time but they manage to coincide nicely enough. That being said this movie almost feels like a hopeless case of a guy that is looking for something in his life to give it meaning but doesn’t really know what to do with it or even how to hold onto that feeling. When he does find someone that makes him happy she’s married but when her husband dies he catches the blame. It’s kind of a no-win situation.

Here are a few of the best songs from the movie.

5. Eyes Without a Face

A lot of people have embraced Ryan Gosling as an actor and even as an action star though some might think he’s more cut out for drama and love stories since The Notebook seems to have been a movie that really defines him in a big way. But in this movie he’s managed to find at least a decent pace when it comes to being an action star, though it still feels as though he was playing a role that was like something out of a fast-paced soap opera, or a drama that just happened to have a few very exciting action sequences in it. He’s a good actor, but the reputation he’s made is still building when it comes to action.

4. Lady

There is a dilemma to face when you find that you’re falling for a married woman, especially if her husband has just gotten out of prison and is coming home. Offering to be the driver for a heist the husband is being pressured into is an odd choice for the Driver, but at the same time it’s what he does and he seems to want the guy to come out alive and be with his family. The driver does have a sense of duty, a moral code to speak of, though how far it can be pushed is seen more than once in the movie as he goes above and beyond to make sure the woman and her child are kept safe.

3. Nightcall

In some ways this movie is a giant game of who can doublecross the other person in a more effective and deceptive manner. Of course it doesn’t always work out the way it should since the weak link usually ends up folding and ruining the whole scam. But when Driver is caught up in the middle of it he doesn’t play very nice, and you can’t blame him. If someone’s trying to take the money that one of your crew already died for the odds are that just about anyone with a conscience would be good and mad and ready to submit a little payback to those that decided to cross them, just to get even.

2. Under Your Spell

This is definitely one of those movies that has a darker tone to it and seems to push through the shadows rather than break into the light that often. In the shady dealings that are conducted and the manner in which the Driver is seen to navigate the pathway that is his life you get the impression that the only ones that are clean in all of this are the married woman and her child, but even they seem touched by it just because of the association they have through her husband. The Driver aims to take care of that at least since he’s doing his best to keep them alive and untouched by the mess he’s gotten himself into.

1. A Real Hero

By the end of the film Driver is seen taking off in his car, stabbed in the gut but still making his way to somewhere, sans the money that he’s laid next to the body of the guy that decided to stab him. He’s an unapologetic individual that does what he feels needs doing and isn’t about to turn back and regret it, at least not much. But overall the Driver is the kind of guy that seems to be looking for his own bit of happiness and might find it occasionally, but at a pretty high price. That being said he’s also the kind of guy that has a strong moral code and doesn’t like to see innocent people suffer.

The movie is one that you’d definitely like to see once, but if you saw it twice it might mean you missed something.

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