The Top Five Songs from the Ghostbusters 2 Soundtrack

The Top Five Songs from the Ghostbusters 2 Soundtrack

The Top Five Songs from the Ghostbusters 2 Soundtrack

Ghostbusters 2 didn’t have the same impact that the original movie did but it’s songs were at least up with the times. The whole story kind of suffered from a creative angle that didn’t seem as though it had been fully explored. After all Gozer was intent on world domination too, so another despot that wanted to rule the world was kind of a weak attempt at a sequel. There could have been a lot of other plot devices that could have been used on a smaller scale in order to scale back the movie and dial up the frights and possibly the laughter. But seeking to stop another villain from attaining the same goal makes it seem like the writers were getting a bit lazy at this point.

You can’t hope for lightning in a bottle twice, as it just doesn’t happen on a constant basis.

5. Supernatural-New Edition

It’s hard to remember where this song was at in the movie since so much was going on. Some songs don’t even get played until the credits start to roll so you have to wonder how they get selected to play on the soundtrack at all. But then again there are usually snippets of music throughout the film that can be heard if you really listen. It’s kind of a cheap way to get more songs into the movie but it counts.

4. Ghostbusters-Run DMC

Following in the footsteps of Ray Parker Jr., the guy that did the song for the first movie, Run DMC was an updated version that allowed the song to keep with the times and conform to what people wanted. Granted, the music didn’t really make the movie that much better but it made a concentrated effort to do so and you can’t help but think it might have worked had the movie been given a little more attention and the plot been changed slightly.

3. Flip City-Glenn Frey

When this music comes in you know stuff is about to pop off since the way the music comes in signals that something is about to happen and it won’t be good. Once someone starts doubting the Ghostbusters and disregards their warning about the supernatural is usually when stuff starts to happen. And yet for all that the guys tend to catch a great deal of the blame when they finally take down the bad guys.

2. Higher & Higher-Howard Huntsberry

How amazing would it be to watch the Statue of Liberty walking down the street? How much more amazing would it be to see it walking without breaking itself to pieces with each stride? This film definitely goes beyond what’s feasible since not only is this impossible without movie magic, but Ray and Egon, being as smart as they are, would surely know that such a feat is not at all possible.

1. On Our Own-Bobby Brown

This is the song that could have really redeemed the movie since it was the most popular song on the soundtrack. Yet despite how great it was and how much people loved it all that really happened was that Bobby Brown got a lot of exposure and the movie got a slight kick in the rear to get going. It just wasn’t enough unfortunately.

You’ve got to love the Ghostbusters, but this movie was kind of a let down.

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